Volunteering Opportunities
Wanted - Building and Grounds Director
The Building and Grounds Director is responsible for overseeing all maintenance and renovation activities for the buildings and grounds of Capilano Community League. This includes the Hall, the Rink Shack and Tennis Club as well as the parking lot. The rink is maintained by the Rink Manager.
The Director is responsible for conducting a schedule of general and regular maintenance (e.g., heating systems, building security, plumbing repairs, snow removal). They are also responsible for identifying and proposing to the Community League Board renovation/repair needs such as system upgrades, roofing, flooring or painting and where approved, gathering quotes and overseeing contractors. The Director works in collaboration with the Hall and Facilities Managers who play a key role in and will assist with identifying maintenance and renovation needs.
The time commitment for this role varies based on the needs at the time but in general is approximately 2 hours/week plus. This is a board position, so the Building and Grounds Directors is expected to attend regular board meetings (3rd Wednesday of Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March, April, May and June).
If interested or have questions, please contact Kris at K_cramer@telus.net or 780-720-9003.
Wanted - Volunteer Director
Do you fancy yourself something of a matchmaker? The Capilano Community volunteer director pairs up eager helpers from the community with those who need a hand. You know the skills, gifts, and abilities of neighbourhood residents and use that knowledge to help organize people to help run events like the Christmas party or spring litter clean up, enlist those who are interested in sitting on a committee, and keep track of this precious information.
If interested or have questions, please contact Kris at K_cramer@telus.net or 780-720-9003.